Welcome to Mindhook

At Mindhook, we're more than just a recruitment company; we are a community of professionals who understand what it’s like to be a candidate. We know exactly what candidates want and need.

The Club Fight

Our most innovative approach is the "Club Fight" model. Instead of being a traditional recruitment agency, we are a community of experts with regular jobs in the tech, software, and automation industries.


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What we stand for


We will only reach out if we find an opportunity that truly matches what you’re looking for.


We work as a team, but you will always have a dedicated owner responsible for your requirements and the services you need.


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About Hestia

Need more details? Please check our full documentation for detailed information on how to use Hestia.

Inverness McKenzie

Inverness McKenzie

Business Owner

"We have no regrets! After using your product my business skyrocketed! I made back the purchase price in just 48 hours! I couldn't have asked for more than this."

Hanson Deck

Hanson Deck

Independent Artist

"Your company is truly upstanding and is behind its product 100 percent. Hestia is worth much more than I paid. I like Hestia more each day because it makes easier."

Natalya Undergrowth

Natalya Undergrowth


"Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free! I am so pleased with this product. Dude, your stuff is great! I will refer everyone I know."


Appearance guide

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Perfectly on furniture

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Get in Touch


Find us at the office

Strada Povernei, nr 20, Bucharest, Romania

Give us a ring

John Doe +40 712 345 678 Mon – Fri, 8:00-22:00